
Discussing Divorce With Your Kids

It is not easy to decide to get a divorce, even when it is the choice needed for your well-being and the health of your family. The legal process of a divorce can be made easier with a Columbia, MO divorce attorney, but the emotional and mental stress of a divorce still exists. If you and your spouse have children, it can make a divorce feel even more stressful and high-stakes. Having a conversation with your kids about divorce or separation can feel impossible, but it is very important to do so. Divorce is going to be hard on your


Why Is Comprehensive Estate Planning Important?

Crafting a comprehensive estate plan means more documents than simply a will. A comprehensive estate plan gives significantly more benefits, including avoiding probate court and determining how you will be cared for if you can’t make your own decisions. An experienced Columbia estate planning attorney can help you create an estate plan that is legally enforceable and tailored to your wishes and the needs of your beneficiaries. Although some believe that an in-depth estate plan is only necessary for individuals with significant assets or who are nearing the end of their life, there are several benefits to creating an estate


How Do You Divide a Business in a Divorce?

A divorce that involves a business can make an already stressful situation much more complicated. It’s important to find a qualified Columbia divorce attorney who can make a business divorce go more smoothly. Marital and Separate Property in Divorces That Involve Businesses It is important to first determine whether a business is marital or separate property. If a business’s assets and ownership are considered one spouse’s separate property, it will likely not be up for division. A spouse may instead have a claim on future earnings that they would have benefited from. When a business is one spouse’s separate property,


Should I Handle My Divorce Through Litigation?

The legal process of ending a marriage has the potential to be just as complex and frustrating as the emotional process. However, the divorce process can be handled in several ways and does not always need to be resolved through contentious court battles. Many divorces are resolved out of court through collaborative divorce or divorce mediation with an experienced Columbia divorce attorney’s assistance. If you are beginning the process of divorce, you may not be sure what the right option is to resolve your divorce. Understanding the types, advantages, and disadvantages of the divorce process can be very helpful. Uncontested


How Will Contests Work in Columbia, MO, Estate Planning

Most estate plans include a will, whether they are simple or complex. A will lists your assets, names an executor to manage and distribute those assets, and names the heirs who will receive the estate. When you manage your estate through a will, and not a trust, the estate still enters probate court after your death. While in probate, the will can be contested by interested parties if they believe it is invalid for some reason. These claims may be a genuine belief, or they may be maliciously motivated. If a will contest is successful, your estate will be distributed


How to Modify Family Court Orders in Columbia, MO

In a divorce or separation, there are several court orders that make up the case. This is true whether the outcome was reached through mediation and a separation agreement or through litigation and court decisions. These court orders include division of property, child custody, child support, and spousal maintenance. These orders outline how you and your family’s lives change. However, not all of these court-enforced orders are final. Missouri courts understand that families can go through significant life changes that make previous court orders no longer in a family’s interest or unable to meet their needs. If you, your co-parent,