
Marriages increase as divorce rates fall

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Wednesday, November 23, 2016. Divorce rates in Missouri and around the country fell to a near 40-year low in 2015 according to a report released Nov. 17 by Bowling Green University’s National Center for Family and Marriage Research. Another NCFMR report reveals that the number of marriages for each 1,000 unmarried women increased from 31.9 in 2014 to 32.2 in 2015. The researchers say these findings suggest that marriage rates could be stabilizing after years of decline. Divorce rates for every 1,000 married women fell from 17.6 in 2014


Ongoing custody battle between Nicole Curtis, child’s father

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Friday, November 18, 2016. Missouri fans of the HGTV show “Rehab Addict” may have followed the custody battle of its star, Nicole Curtis, with her ex-boyfriend Shane Maguire. The two have a 1-year-old child together, Harper, and their court battle began with a paternity complaint from Maguire after Harper’s birth. Curtis had sole custody at the time. She asked for birthing expenses, child care costs and child support. Although Maguire said he earned $3,744 per week, Curtis countered that his income was actually $20,000 weekly. Maguire was required


Appealing or modifying a divorce settlement

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, November 11, 2016. When Missouri couples go through an uncontested divorce, the divorce decree will incorporate orders that have been made by the judge on such matters as child custody and visitation, alimony, child support and property division. If one of the parties is dissatisfied with the order, an appeal can be filed to the next highest court in the state. The appeal will have to be based upon the assertion that the judge incorrectly applied state law when making the decision, and it will have to be


How to prevent asset dissipation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, November 3, 2016. When Missouri spouses know that their assets may be divided in a divorce, they may try to dissipate them. In other words, they are basically wasting assets in an attempt to deny the other spouse a fair share of marital property. For instance, a person who makes a lot of money may simply gamble it away or spend it on another partner. This is done with the knowledge that they will simply make the money back. However, for the other spouse, it could pose serious


Divorce and financial considerations

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, October 27, 2016. Missouri couples who are ending their marriages have to contend with a number of different financial matters. Understanding how their divorces may be impacted by taxes, property division, debt division and possible child and spousal support may help them to be better prepared. In Missouri, divorce courts follow the principle of equitable distribution. This means that a court will divide the marital property in the manner that the judge believes is fair rather than halving it between the divorcing spouses. The goal is for both


The higher-earning spouse and alimony

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, October 21, 2016. It is common for married couples in Missouri to have disparate incomes. During the course of a marriage, one spouse may take on more of the child care responsibilities while the other spouse pursues a career. Even if a married couple doesn’t have children, one spouse may simply earn a larger income than the other spouse. When a married couple divorces, the lower-earning spouse could experience a financial setback after losing the financial support of the higher-earning spouse. To compensate for this financial loss, a