
Don’t hack your spouse’s accounts during a divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, February 5, 2016. Americans are not very good at protecting their sensitive information. Some of the most popular passwords for many online and email accounts are “password” and “1234.” Many people may use a combination of their name and birthday or other familiar information. Needless to say, this may make it easy for family members to guess other family member’s passwords. During a marriage, this may not matter a great deal, as many couples have joint accounts, so each is entitled to access, and they may share password


Divorce presents challenges at every age

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, January 28, 2016. For many individuals in Columbia, divorce can be an emotionally trying experience. The fabric of your daily life is unraveled and you have to deal with resetting many of your basic functions, how you interact with your children and even where you live. In addition to this emotional tumult, you have to change your financial expectations. For younger couples, as challenging as this may be, there is one advantage of divorcing earlier in your marriage: time. You have the time to learn new skills, return


Protecting parental rights: You don’t have to do it alone

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Friday, January 22, 2016. Parents regularly wear many different hats. They can be teachers, confidantes, chefs, personal assistants, chauffeurs, managers and entertainers on any given day. Children rely on parents to fulfill these roles, but there are times when parents are the ones who must rely on someone else. This can be the case if you are struggling with legal issues concerning your child or your rights as a parent. For example, if you are trying to collect child support of if you want to be sure you


Divorce should lead to complete financial separation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, January 21, 2016. When you are married, you may have numerous joint financial ties. When you decide to divorce, you need to make certain that all of those ties are completely severed. This is because when you divorce in Missouri, the divorce settlement between you and your former spouse is a contract. The important element in that contract is that it only binds you and your former spouse. This is significant when you have a mortgage, joint loans or joint credit accounts. For many couples, two cars are


Maybe they should have divorced sooner?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, January 7, 2016. Often times, when people speak disparaging of divorce, they will point out either expressly or impliedly that one reason it is “bad,” is because of the negative effect it has on children. And there are various studies that show that children of divorce may experience some negative behavior which is attributed to the fact that their parents were divorced. The problem with that entire line of logic is that it confuses correlation with causation. Sure, some children of a failed marriage may do less well


Rights and obligations of unmarried parents

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child support on Sunday, January 3, 2016. When you have a child and are not married, you probably have a lot of concerns regarding the rights you have, as well as the rights of the other biological parent. Because as time passes and affections are formed and developed by additional family members on each parent’s side, it could be very beneficial to negotiate terms of child custody, support and visitation early on between the father and mother. Once you are proven to be the parent of the child, it is important to