With the best of intentions

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, July 2, 2015.

Sometimes a marriage, for reasons far too numerous to list, simply breaks down. With the announcement one day after their 10th wedding anniversary, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner appear to have reached such a point.

There have been rumors floating around the couple for the last few months, suggesting that Affleck had moved out of the family home, but a short statement from the couple asking for the privacy of their children to be respected, confirmed that they would be divorcing.

It is something of a surprise because Affleck and Garner had appeared to be a perfect couple, dreamed up by Hollywood central casting. They were both immensely successful as actors and their marriage produced three adorable children. The seemed to have the ideal marriage, they prove again, that even the ideal marriage can fail.

They are reported to be focused on their children and Ben has moved into separate structure on their property. Their plan to co-parent their kids and are attempting to minimize the effect of the split on their children.

If they can avoid devolving into contentions litigation, their children will thank them, but given the size of their marital estate, it could be easy or difficult, with the choice theirs.

As sad as the breakup of an “ideal” marriage may be, it is better to recognize that relationships evolve and none of us live in an ideal world. Sometimes a marriage simply ends as the partners move apart in their lives. It is better to allow the couple to move on, be honest with themselves and their children and avoid being trapped in a relationship that no longer benefits anyone.

Source: eonline.com, “Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck Divorce Details Emerge: “They Didn’t Want the Same Things,” Source Say,” Zach Johnson, July 1, 2015

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