
Is it wise to divorce before your 10-year anniversary?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, June 5, 2015. Divorce among celebrities provides endless fascination. Not only do we feel as if we know them, but the money, glamour and sometimes infamy combine to make watching their courtroom activities irresistible. But you can sometimes learn a few things in the process. The rumor mills are all atwitter at the prospect of a divorce involving Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. The couple is attracting interest as one of Hollywood’s “power couples” and because of the reported $150 million at stake should they decide to dissolve


Social media use could lead to divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, May 21, 2015. Family law is an important part of the legal practice due to its effect on the safety and stability of all members of a family, including parents, children, and grandparents. Family law covers areas such as adoption and paternity, but most know of divorce. Divorce affects all areas of post-married life, from custody of children to how money is divided between the parties. You may be thinking, “This doesn’t pertain to me,” especially if your marriage is a happy one. You may want to think


Think about the teenage years when creating a parenting plan

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, May 21, 2015. In order to create a more stable environment for children whose parents are no longer living together, the state of Missouri has required parents to submit parenting plans. These parenting plans are required every time documents related to child custody and visitations are filed with the courts. All decisions of the parenting plan should keep the best interests of the children in mind. Plans can cover child custody, visitation and decision making rights and responsibilities among other things. Parents should be able to look


Open up to your family law attorney

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Thursday, May 21, 2015. New family law clients have lots of mixed emotions when they hire a Columbia, Missouri family lawyer. Most are not ready to go through a family law case to begin with. They would rather save their marriage or settle the matter outside of court. Still, many must deal with their family law matters even though they do not want to. Clients then end up explaining to a divorce attorney how this situation elevated to the point where litigation is needed. Since most clients have


Missouri child support: Things you should know

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child support on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Child support stands as a highly contested area of family law. The popular stereotype of child support is that neither part is happy with it. Every movie or television show shows the husband who thinks he pays too much or the mother who wants her husband to spare some more for the children. Although this is a stereotype, many divorce couple actually feel this way. Even though both parties may not be happy with the child support order, understanding how the courts make this


How do legal separation and divorce differ?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Each marriage and each partner posses concerns that are unique to them. When a marriage breaks down, each partner’s interests will have an impact on the choices they make. When a couple chooses to create their own vows or have a religious and civil ceremony so they are married for legal purposes and by their beliefs, you can see the characteristics of the marriage and the couple. For Missouri couples considering divorce, these interests can play a role in whether they seek legal separation or