
When did your marriage end?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child support on Thursday, July 16, 2015. A divorce can carry so many concerns and stigmas that sometimes you may be contemplating the necessity of a divorce without really admitting to yourself that you need to divorce. Words carry great power and you may not want to name “the thing itself,” but you know, deep down, when it is time. Maybe you are afraid of what your friends or worse, your family, will think. Failure. Broken. Dysfunctional. No, the words are not positive, but have you examined your relationship closely. What


Your parenting plan can ensure a father’s shared role

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in fathers’ rights on Friday, July 10, 2015. With a divorce where the couple has children, some of the more contentious issues of the proceeding may involve the custody of the children. For many years, the custody matters have followed the current of American society, with women taking the role of caregiver to the children, and often being awarded custody. For fathers, this has meant a diminished role, and they frequently receive visitation rights and may only see their children a few days a month. There are a great many reason for


With the best of intentions

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, July 2, 2015. Sometimes a marriage, for reasons far too numerous to list, simply breaks down. With the announcement one day after their 10th wedding anniversary, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner appear to have reached such a point. There have been rumors floating around the couple for the last few months, suggesting that Affleck had moved out of the family home, but a short statement from the couple asking for the privacy of their children to be respected, confirmed that they would be divorcing. It is something of


A divorce means dividing your debts along with your assets

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, June 25, 2015. With a divorce in Missouri comes many issues that must be dealt with; child custody and support, property division and alimony. Creating a workable parenting plan can be enormously complex as you try to imagine all of the details of your life after a divorce and how you will deal with what summer vacations and what birthdays will be like and how you will work with your former spouse to hand-off your children, should you decide on shared custody. On the financial side, you need


How to divorce: it’s your choice

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, June 19, 2015. Divorce is something like an all-you-can eat cafeteria. You can enter the line, and choose a small salad, a single entrée, and a small side or two. You can even skip dessert. Or, you can begin heaping your tray with mounds of food until it is difficult to tell if you still have a plate underneath it all. You and your on-the-way-to-becoming-former spouse can choose forms of divorce that demand very little of the Missouri family courts or take up much of those judges time.


Surprise twins with two fathers

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child support on Friday, June 12, 2015. DNA has helped solve many issues. In criminal law, it can be used to identify individuals at crime scenes and has been used in numerous cases to exonerate individuals who have been wrongly convicted of crimes they did not commit. In the family law area, it has been helpful in exonerating some putative fathers who are accused of fathering a child. When a woman requests public assistance in most states, the state agency responsible for child assistance will look to the father to pay