
In divorce court, its women first

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, September 4, 2015. A modern marriage contains many contradictions. It is now seen more as a meeting of equals, with similar interests, tastes and for many, incomes. Yet many relationships still maintain elements of the Eisenhower-era, and women still carry on with much of the traditional domestic duties in the household, sometimes in spite of their working outside the home. This is potentially one reason that women are the ones who are more likely to walk into a Missouri family court in Columbia and file papers to end


Was your spouse on Ashley Madison?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, August 28, 2015. The recent revelations of the data breach from Ashley Madison, a website used to facilitate marital infidelity, may cause significant problems for millions of couples. For an unhappy spouse, finding your husband or wife had an account may prove to be the tipping point, triggering the filing of divorce papers in a Missouri family court. If you believed your marriage to be happy and you found your spouse’s name, the primary question becomes one of trust. Was your spouse merely “investigating” the site, but never


What happens to the children in a stepparent divorce?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, August 21, 2015. There are few issues related to divorce that are not complex. The legal issues are always complex and carry long-term consequence. As an example, your parenting plan, especially if you have young children, could control many aspects of you and your children’s lives for the next dozen or more years. While it can be modified, that too, will require a trip back to the Family Court here in Columbia. In addition to the legal matters, there are the emotional issues that can be very difficult


Divorce and expectation setting

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Friday, August 14, 2015. It is understandable that if you have never been through a divorce, you may not have a firm idea of what to expect. You have read books, seen movies or talked friends and relative who have been divorced, but none of that will likely prepare you for your experience of divorce. Nonetheless, it is important to try and develop the proper expectations before your divorce commences, as that will allow you enter the process your eyes wide open and will minimize your chances of


How will a divorce affect your children?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Friday, August 7, 2015. The stress of a divorce can cause a great many difficulties for parents and their children. For the parents, there is the emotional disorientation of having your marriage move from exchanging wedding rings to exchanging court filings. There is the confusing and technical language of family law and cold and seemingly mechanistic court proceedings, where you may feel as if you are pawn that is being “talked at” instead of a human undergoing a very difficult life experience. And then there are the worries


Netflix makes big announcement affecting parental, paternal leave

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in fathers’ rights on Thursday, August 6, 2015. Mothers and fathers who share custody can struggle enormously when it comes to raising children separately but together. There are challenges that come no matter who you are, how much time you spend with your child or what type of relationship you have with the other parent. However, fathers can face some unique challenges when it comes to co-parenting. Men may have to worry about paternity tests, child support and certain presumptions about a father’s role as a caregiver. Thankfully, this last item appears