
Should I Get a Prenuptial Agreement: The Pros and Cons of a Prenup

When most couples plan their wedding, they focus on finding the right place, picking out a dress, and sending out invitations. People often forget to talk about legal defense and financial planning, but these are very important topics for long-term safety and peace of mind. A “prenup” is a document that can help protect assets and avoid possible arguments. There are some things to consider when deciding whether or not you should get a prenuptial agreement. What Is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a legally binding contract between two people, which they sign before they get married. It


What Do You Include in a Columbia Parenting Plan?

When parents are divorcing or separating, a parenting plan is a crucial and stressful part of this legal process. Parents can create a parenting plan together, and it is often beneficial for themselves and their children to do so. Negotiating a parenting plan is complicated, even when parents are amicable, and the agreement must include a lot of information. A Columbia, MO, child custody lawyer can help parents find solutions in a parenting plan that are right for their children. If you and your co-parent cannot agree on a plan, the court will make one for you, which may not


How an Attorney Can Help in an Uncontested Divorce

When reviewing the options for a divorce, an uncontested divorce handled through alternative dispute resolution methods is one of the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective ways to secure a dissolution of marriage. Some couples may believe that this method has no need for legal representation. However, there are significant benefits to working with a Columbia divorce attorney, even in an uncontested divorce. While working with an attorney is more costly, there can be more significant and long-term costs if you don’t work with one, such as ending up with an unfair agreement or dealing with negotiations that drag on. You’re


When to Update Your Estate Plan in Columbia, MO

Over your lifetime, your familial and financial situation can change significantly, and your estate plan should change with it. Consistently reviewing and updating a carefully crafted estate plan is crucial to making it fit your current wishes while remaining legally enforceable. An estate planning attorney in Columbia, MO, can help you make appropriate changes while ensuring that the updated estate plan is still legally valid. If you allow too much time to pass between reviewing and updating your estate plan, you may have assets without beneficiaries, a living will that gives your well-being over to someone you do not wish


How Are High Asset Divorces Uniquely Challenging?

High asset divorces have all the expected legal issues and emotional challenges of any divorce, but they also have additional complexities due to the unique concerns and needs of each spouse and their family. If you are beginning the process of a high asset divorce, you need to find a divorce attorney in Columbia who knows the unique challenges and considerations of this type of divorce and has the legal skill and compassion needed to help you with your case. A high asset or high net worth divorce is when one or both spouses have a number of assets, high-value


What Are Common Prenup Myths?

Prenuptial agreements are made before a couple gets married, and they are then enforceable once the couple is married. Many people have misconceptions about prenuptial agreements, but there are many benefits for spouses to create this agreement. It’s especially helpful to work with a Columbia, MO prenuptial attorney to safeguard each spouse’s individual interests and their interests as a couple. Myth #1: Prenups Are Only Beneficial If You’re Wealthy A prenuptial agreement can protect the interests of any couple with any amount of assets who wish to avoid lengthy litigation or mediation if they divorce. This is true regardless of