
A Guide to Finding the Right Columbia, MO Family Lawyer

Facing any type of legal case can be incredibly daunting, especially when your case pertains to family law and your future and the future of your family depends on the outcome. Solid legal counsel that you can trust is your best asset in this situation, but finding the right attorney can itself be an incredible challenge if you do not know how to determine which attorney would be best suited to your case. When you need a family law attorney in Columbia, MO,  it’s vital to know how to locate the best candidates for legal representation in your area, as


Your Guide to Child Custody in Columbia, MO

One of the most critical factors in any divorce is determining care, custody, and financial support for the children of the divorcing couple. In Missouri, the family court has a strict duty to ensure the safety of children involved in a divorce and to rule in favor of preserving their best interests. If you are a parent considering divorce in Columbia, MO, it’s helpful to understand the state’s laws surrounding child custody and what to expect from a child custody determination in Columbia, MO. An experienced Columbia, MO family law attorney is one of the best available resources for anyone


Is My Prenuptial Contract Enforceable in Columbia, MO?

Prenuptial contracts exist to provide clarity and security to marrying couples. While many continue to hold negative connotations about prenuptial contracts, the reality is that while they may not exactly be romantic, they allow a marrying couple to have difficult conversations early in their relationship. Many couples find that the process of reviewing their goals, hopes, and priorities for one another brings them closer and allows them to start their marriage on more open and honest terms. A prenuptial agreement can be incredibly advantageous in many situations, but only if the contract is legally valid and enforceable. Unfortunately, there are


How to Approach Divorce Mediation in Columbia, MO

One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is the process’s expense in both time and energy. Divorce litigation may take months or even years in complex, hotly contested cases. Generally, the more agreeable the divorcing spouses are toward one another, the faster a divorce can proceed. Divorce mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method that can allow a divorcing couple to negotiate the terms of their divorce peaceably and swiftly. Divorce mediation can offer substantial savings on legal fees while simultaneously allowing a divorcing couple to keep their negotiations private and firmly within their control. If you intend to


I Can’t Afford Child Support Anymore. What Can I Do?

Child support is a necessary part of the divorce process for parents throughout Columbia, MO. However, what happens when a paying parent can no longer afford their child support payments due to job loss, reduced income, or unexpected illness? If you currently pay child support or might need to start paying it in the near future, it’s important to know what this responsibility entails and what to do if you are unable to meet your obligations due to forces beyond your control. Your first step when you face uncertainty about your child support responsibilities should be to speak with your


10 Things You Should Never Do During Divorce Proceedings in Missouri

Divorce is often emotionally charged, tense, and draining in many ways. Unfortunately, the high-running emotions that can erupt during divorce compel some people to make serious mistakes that cost them dearly in divorce proceedings. If divorce seems likely for you in the near future in Columbia, MO, keep these following warnings in mind as you navigate the divorce process and remember that being completely honest in all of your proceedings is essential if you want to ensure an equitable divorce. One: Never Attempt to Hide Assets Divorce is expensive, and you may not relish the idea of splitting everything you