
When family disputes arise, legal advice can be necessary

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Sunday, March 20, 2016. Every family deals with problems. They fight, disagree and may not even like each other all that much. Many people prefer to keep these issues private and don’t exactly want to go discussing them in public. In these situations, people may think that they can’t or shouldn’t talk to anyone about their concerns; asking for help may seem like the last thing they want to do. However, there are some family legal matters that people cannot resolve on their own. For example, people across


Will a divorce harm your children?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, March 18, 2016. For parents, the prospect of a looming divorce can create a significant amount of anxiety. While they have probably accepted that a divorce is all but certain, they have some doubts, worrying that a divorce will negatively affect their children and lead to lifelong problems. There is some statistical correlation between children who have gone through the experience of their parents divorcing and their developing various problems later in life. But, like many “environmental” studies, determining which of those problems was “caused” by the divorce


A simple statement

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, March 11, 2016. Divorce is often spoken of in hushed tones, especially during first stages, when it may carry an aura of tragedy. While not as catastrophic as death, for many, it may feel like a death has occurred in the family. And so with the process comes the stress and worry as you deal with the end of your relationship and the creation of your new life. But for many, while divorce may be a stressful process, it is no more stressful than a dysfunctional marriage. The


But is it right for you?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Friday, March 4, 2016. There are bills pending in the legislature that would make shared custody a presumption in Missouri law. On its face, this seems an unremarkable suggestion. Some may even wonder and think, isn’t that already the way the law is written? In Missouri, the standard for a custody determination is based on an eight-factor analysis listed in the statutes. These eight factors require that the judge evaluates a broad range of items, including the wishes of the parents, the needs of the children, how the


Do you feel contempt?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, February 26, 2016. According to one researcher, the number one reason for divorce among couples is contempt. When one or both members of a marriage develop feelings of contempt, it is unlikely they will remain married long. Contempt arises when couples develop disagreements and then fail to work out effective solutions. They become angry, emotional and irrational towards each other and at that point, nothing the other party says makes any difference. If both partners are in this state, it is unlikely there will be any positive resolution


What will discovery discover?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in family law on Friday, February 19, 2016. One of the legal tools used during a divorce is known as discovery. This is the process both sides use to obtain the information they need to argue their side of the case and to create a reasonable and fair divorce settlement. In divorce matters, it is primarily used for obtaining financial information. In order for both parties to come to a consensus, it is essential that they have all the financial information they need understand the couple’s financial status. Discovery can be obtained