How parents can keep up with child support proceedings

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Support on Friday, November 1, 2019.

Parents in Illinois are responsible for providing emotional and financial support to their kids. This is typically true whether a parent is married, separated or divorced from the child’s other parent. There are several ways that individuals can determine if they owe child support. The easiest way is often to simply ask the other parent if a support order has been filed.

If an order has been filed, the custodial parent may provide details such as the amount of each payment and when it is due. Individuals might also get letters or notices from the government agency that is tasked with handling child support matters. These notices will tell parents about upcoming court dates or remind when a payment is due or is past due.

It’s possible to contact the DCS to determine if child support is owed. This may be done by giving the agency a call or visiting its website. One could also contact the court that had jurisdiction over a child support case to gather more information about it. The court clerk may be able to tell a parent more about any proceedings in the case or provide details about a current or pending child support order.

An individual who is subject to a child support order can ask a judge to change its terms. This may be possible if a parent lost a job, incurred medical expenses or is otherwise struggling to keep up with support payments. A judge might also approve a request for child support modification if the custodial parent gets a raise at work, inherits money or otherwise sees an increase in financial resources. Those who have questions about child support may benefit from speaking with an attorney.

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