Reality TV stars in custody battle

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Friday, November 16, 2018.

Some Illinois fans of the reality TV show “Southern Charm” may have heard that one of its former cast members, Thomas Ravenel, was detained in September on charges of assault and battery. His ex-girlfriend and TV co-star, Kathryn Dennis, responded on Oct. 26 by filing for a modification in their custody and visitation agreement. The two share custody of their children, a 4-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son.

Ravenel was detained on Sept. 25. Reportedly, his children’s former nanny accused him of sexual assault, and a source says these charges are related to that. A woman he met on Tinder has also accused him of sexual assault. Through his lawyer, he has denied both charges.

Dennis has lost custody of her children in the past. In 2016, she went to rehab, and she spent the next two years taking random drug tests so she could regain custody.

In child custody cases, courts generally start from the presumption that it is in the child’s best interest to have a relationship with both parents. However, if serious danger is suspected, one parent could be denied access to the child or placed on supervised visitation. In general, these are cases that involve neglect, abuse or addiction. With supervised visitation, the parent can see the child on a limited schedule while someone else is present. Regaining custody may involve taking court-ordered steps such as attending a rehabilitation program or taking parenting classes. A parent who is concerned about their child’s safety with the other parent might want to provide documentation to back up the accusations. For example, police reports might be helpful.

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