Women more likely than men to file for divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, August 3, 2017.

Like all other states, Missouri has no-fault divorce laws, meaning that a filer does not have to provide grounds for seeking a dissolution of his or her marriage. When no-fault laws were initially passed, some where concerned that men would use no-fault divorces as a way to abandon their families, potentially leaving their wives and children in poverty. However, a study showed that approximately 80 percent of all divorces are initiated by women.

Although the idea of what constitutes a marriage has evolved over the last 50 years, the fact remains that there are still many social and practical expectations that are more difficult on women. As such, women appear to be generally more unhappy with the state of marriage than men. Husbands are often more passive when it comes to things not working. They may report being troubled by their wives’ dissatisfaction with the state of the marriage, but may not take action to do anything about it while women may file for divorce.

According to a sociologist, one major problem is that society’s expectations for gender equality has changed dramatically. However, marriage has not gotten to that point. For example, many women report that the loss of independence they experience when they get married is a major cause for their unhappiness. Further, women are often expected to do more, including work outside the home and tackle the brunt of the housework and childcare.

Regardless of the reason for the divorce, the end of a marriage can be a difficult time for everyone involved. However, a family law attorney could assist with dividing up the marital assets while negotiating a parenting plan. If the former couple can work together to make decisions regarding their divorce, the attorney may assist with the negotiation process outside of court.

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