Facilitating an amicable divorce in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, May 5, 2017.

While divorce proceedings are often steeped in negative feelings and bitter conflict, some couples find themselves ending their marriage on a positive note. It is possible for a couple to work out the details of their separation amicably before they even file for an actual divorce.

A high-profile divorce case in point is that of “Grey’s Anatomy” star Jesse Williams and his partner of 10 years. The couple was together before the actor became a star. In fact, they have been partners since Williams was a teacher on the East Coast. They have been married for just under five years and have two young children together. The actor filed for joint legal and physical custody of the children. The petition also included a request to end spousal support for the ex, who is a real estate agent.

Since marital breakups can easily become overwrought with emotion, it may be best for couples to work out the details before their cases get before the courts. Law firms that understand family law and specifically the ins and outs of divorce might be able to help couples plan for an amicable divorce, which is also termed a collaborative divorce. This means that a professional will sit down with the couple seeking to end their marriage and work out details such as child custody arrangements, visitation plans and property division.

During custody disputes, courts usually consider the best interests of the children involved. If possible, it is to everyone’s emotional advantage to make reasonable decisions regarding child custody and child support issues. An attorney can help divorcing couples avoid costly and time-consuming litigation.

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