Divorce rates among individuals older than 50

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Friday, March 17, 2017.

Missouri couples who are considering divorce may be interested to learn that separation rates are increasing for married adults over the age of 50. For adults over the age of 65, the divorce rates have tripled since 1990.

Adults in the 51-to-69 age group experienced unprecedented levels of divorce while they were young adults. Some analysts believe that this instability contributed to the increase in divorce for this age group, especially since many of these individuals are going through a second divorce. In 2015, 16 out of 1,000 married adults got a divorce after a second marriage while only eight out of 1,000 married adults got a divorce after a first marriage. Studies have shown that second marriages are less stable than first marriages, meaning they are less likely to survive. Furthermore, the risk of divorce is also higher if the couple has been married for a shorter period of time.

Although the divorce rates for adults over the age of 50 are increasing, the divorce rates for younger couples are still higher. In 2015, the divorce rate for those between the ages of 25 to 39 was 24 out of 1,000 married adults.

Filing for divorce can be a difficult step. If the former couple obtained a number of marital assets throughout the years, a family law attorney may assist with negotiating a settlement that fairly divides up the property. Furthermore, if one spouse did not work while married because they were raising the children, the attorney may also request support payments. This will help the lower-earning spouse move on once the divorce is finalized.

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