Online activity and divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Wednesday, December 28, 2016.

When a Missouri couple decides to get a divorce, there is always a chance that things could get messy. While finances and marital property will be scrutinized, it is becoming increasingly more likely that electronic data may also be assessed. This electronic data may include tweets, texts, emails and social media posts.

Because online activity and electronic communications can have an impact on a marriage, it is not uncommon for these activities to be analyzed. In some cases, what is found can even have an impact on the divorce settlement negotiations. However, there is not necessarily much a person can do as deleting any posts, emails and pictures can be suspicious. They can also potentially be recovered, so deleting them in the first place often does not do much good.

Even though the delve into electronic communications and online activity can feel like an invasion of privacy, there are a few things people can do. First, they can limit their online activity. This may include deactivating Facebook accounts or just posting less. They should also change their passwords and security questions. Finally, they should keep control of their electronic devices, turn off automatic syncing and turn off any location trackers. People going through a divorce may also wish to open a new email account to keep their personal business more protected.

When a couple is facing the end of a marriage, anger can make it difficult to finalize the divorce quickly. It could also lead individuals to hide money or marital property from their estranged spouse. A family law attorney may gather a variety of evidence, including electronic communication and online activity, to demonstrate that the other party is actively attempting to avoid dividing assets. If there is evidence, the attorney may be able to negotiate a more favorable divorce settlement.

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