
How To Successfully Co-Parent Your Teenagers

Divorce is almost always difficult for everyone involved. The transition affects every area of a family’s life and poses unique challenges and emotions for all involved. Whether the split is amicable or full of emotion, the aftermath can be rocky. This is especially true when it comes to teenagers. Teenagers are already going through their own changes and challenges. During the teenage years, everyone grows physically, emotionally, and mentally, and there are a lot of literal and figurative growing pains that accompany this time. Embarrassment is easy to come by, and teens often make mistakes as they learn how to


The Dos and Don’ts of Divorce

Going through a divorce is a complicated process. Even if your situation feels straightforward, there is a lot to navigate and consider. Many people going through divorce are experiencing it for the first time, which makes everything feel foreign and confusing. Fortunately, the divorce process does not need to be this way. There are simple practices that can help to make your divorce proceedings go smoothly. These practices can also help to maximize your settlement and ensure that property division is fair and equal. Do Hire a Lawyer Many couples go into divorce thinking that they can navigate the process


How Can I Speed Up the Divorce Process in Columbia, MO?

If you are preparing to divorce, you will likely look back on the process as one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences of your life. Divorce is never easy, even when a divorcing couple makes the mutual decision to end their marriage. The process requires formal division of marital assets, financial agreements for alimony in many cases, and a difficult child custody determination process when the divorcing couple has children together. Reaching a legally enforceable and mutually agreeable decision for each of these issues can take quite a long time. Depending on the complexity of your divorce and


Understanding the Family Court Order Modification Process in Columbia, MO

Divorce is a stressful experience that can influence your life in many ways for years to come. Unfortunately, once you have your divorce order in hand, this does not necessarily mean the issue is closed forever. It’s not uncommon for divorced people to need to return to the family court system to revisit divorce-related issues and seek modifications to their divorce orders. You may need to do this if you experience unforeseen life events that materially alter any part of your divorce decree. If you find yourself in this position, there are options. The family court system offers a means


Is it Necessary to Tell Your Divorce Lawyer Everything?

Whether or not to reveal all the details of your marriage and the struggles you are facing when you meet with your divorce attorney is a dilemma many individuals must contend with during this difficult time. You may be tempted to limit what you say in order to make yourself appear to be the victim of a troubled marriage, but secrecy can damage your case in the end. If you are in the first stages of your divorce, it is vital to understand why you should tell your divorce lawyer everything, including details that may shed a negative light on


The Importance of Establishing Paternity

In the modern age, the concept of “family” can take on many definitions. As a result, the topic of family dynamics has expanded to include family structures and living arrangements of all kinds. While there are still a large number of two-parent households to be found, it is no longer surprising nor shameful for an individual to parent alone. While many parents choose to parent alone, some do not. However, no matter your family setup, it is important to establish paternity even if you and your partner do not plan to parent together. Establishing Paternity Before discussing why it is