Protecting parental rights: You don’t have to do it alone

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Friday, January 22, 2016.

Parents regularly wear many different hats. They can be teachers, confidantes, chefs, personal assistants, chauffeurs, managers and entertainers on any given day. Children rely on parents to fulfill these roles, but there are times when parents are the ones who must rely on someone else.

This can be the case if you are struggling with legal issues concerning your child or your rights as a parent. For example, if you are trying to collect child support of if you want to be sure you will have adequate parenting time after divorce, then you will want to have someone by your side to help you navigate the legal system.

At stake in these matters could be the relationship with your child. If you don’t take action to secure custody, you may end up with visitation periods that you feel are inadequate; if you consistently do not receive child support from the other parent, you can end up working longer hours or not being able to provide certain things for your child.

Parents often feel as though they should be able to do it all on their own, considering how much they already have to handle on a daily basis. While it may be difficult to ask for help, it can prove to be of great benefit to have the help, guidance and support of an attorney who has the legal experience and background you may not.

Our firm has helped parents all across Boone County and Columbia resolve complex matters related to family law. To discuss your situation and your options with one of our attorneys and to read more about our capabilities, please visit our website.

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